3 Most Positive Things in Software Development in 2021

Company, Industry, People

The year is coming to an end. In 2021 there were rises and falls, but all in all it was a great year for the Software Development Industry. 

#1. Cloud

To us, one of the most important trends in the industry was a continuing increase in cloud adoption.

Moreover, the pandemic has clearly shown us we need the cloud not only for upscale but also for rapid down-scaling, i.e. when a large drop in demand for the services occurs. After all, it is obvious that for an industry such as tourism, expensive data center maintenance during a crisis can become the beginning of an end.

#2. Kubernetes

The next positive aspect in the digital world 2021 for us was the expanded use of Kubernetes.

Even though K8s is quite complex and has a high bar for onboarding, this year for thousands of IT teams the open-source container orchestrator has become a real life-saver. The latest researches prove the Kubernetes adoption significantly accelerates deployment frequency (59%), increases automation (54%), and reduces IT costs (46%).

#3. Internet of Things (IoT)

The last good thing about 2021 we’d like to mention is the growth in IoT technologies.

As of now, there are more than 10 billion active IoT devices. We can see the IoT technologies applied in retail, transportation, healthcare, etc. This is a clear reason to rejoice!

Moreover, with engineers placing a much greater emphasis on security in 2021, the number of IoT-connected products is going to grow at a furious pace during the coming year and beyond.

So, these were the top three positive highlights of 2021 that we at GS are most excited about. 
Stay tuned to explore more trends of the outgoing year in the coming post.