IoT Benefits In Manufacturing Business

IoT Benefits In Manufacturing Business

Does your business still straddle the line between outdated manufacturing processes and digital ecosystems? Explore below the true benefits of Industrial IoT that convinced many real companies to integrate connected devices into their factories and processes.

Data Collection and Increased Efficiency  

PLCs, smart sensors and actuators integrated with the IIoT-enabled automation systems can provide real-time performance data, anticipate possible problems and assist managers in identifying areas of the production line where you can improve your efficiency.

Harley-Davidson’s customized motorcycle workflow is a striking example of how IoT helps manufacturers better their operational efficiencies. As early as 2016, the motorcycle giant converted the factory in York into a smart one and reduced its 21-day production cycle down to six hours!

Predictive Maintenance

IoT driven predictive maintenance solutions empower manufacturers with essential information they need to know to monitor the equipment health and prevent any critical faults. 

With IoT-enabled predictive maintenance, maintenance teams can eliminate about 70-75% of breakdowns reducing downtime by 35-45%. Given that just one hour of unplanned downtime can cost a company as much as 260 thousand dollars, the above figures seem rather inspiring, don’t they?

Workplace Safety

If you want to bring higher security measures to your workforces, then you’ll go beyond a yellow helmet and vest. Integrated safety systems and such industrial wearables like smart wristbands, hardhats or augmented reality glasses help prevent workplace injuries and protect workers’ well-being.

Data Security

By entering data manually or sending reports using error-prone email methods, human users carry a high risk of becoming a victim of a phishing attack. Switching to IoT data management minimizes human intervention, which is equal to fewer chances of human error.

As you read this post, the manufacturing industry is moving towards the Great Reset. Reach out to us to start your digital transformation journey today.