5 Technologies To Revolutionize Healthcare Delivery

5 Technologies To Revolutionize Healthcare Delivery

Today’s world of healthcare is dramatically different from what it was ten years ago. With many digital health trends no longer seen as an experimental option, healthcare leaders develop truly healing ecosystems accessible and affordable for everyone.

Keep reading as we explore the five digital trends that will shape the healthcare landscape during 2022 and beyond.

 1. Telehealth

Having found its footing during the COVID-19 outbreak, virtual care looks set to remain in demand post-pandemic. Moreover, due to its benefits such as expanded healthcare access and continuity of care, telehealth is expected to become a key component of integrated care.

2. Healthcare Cybersecurity Solutions

For ransomware attacks on healthcare increased 94% in 2021, a cybersecurity vulnerability, despite global efforts, remains an urgent issue that doesn’t seem to be resolved anytime soon.

3. IoT (Internet of Things)

The times were long past when IoT was only an empty buzzword in medicine. Increasing demand for wearable medical devices, smart health monitoring systems, and healthcare apps is a crucial digital health trend with real momentum.

4. AI and Big Data for Precision Medicine

Precision medicine is an approach for using patient’s molecular information, phenotypic and health data to prevent or treat rare genetic conditions and cancer. Although precision medicine is still in its nascent stages, big data and AI will drive advances.

5. Virtual and Augmented Reality

As the technology continues to be perfected, by today it helps medical professionals in surgical training and planning, relieving chronic pain, curing mental illnesses, ect. Further exciting prospects are using VR and AR developments for areas like cancer therapy and preventive care. 

If there were ever a time to adopt a digital route with your health care business, it is now. Please get in touch to know how we can help you.