3 Tech Conferences in 2022

3 tech events in 2022
Insights, People

Hey, everybody!

I’m Vlad Podobed, Senior Java Developer at German Standard.

Today I’d like to share with you the top 3 tech events worth attending in 2022. Those are great conferences that ambitious tech experts and industry leaders alike will benefit from.

#1 ReactiveConf, TBA, Prague

To me, a Java Dev, 3-day ReactiveConf in Prague seems to be the premier event in the tech world in 2022.

The international conference will focus on the major future trends of web and mobile development. Here we can expect leading JS experts’ insights, highly technical talks, interactive discussion, and much more interesting for revolutionary IT thinkers.

#2 RSA Conference, February 7, San Francisco, CA & Virtual

The next noteworthy thing happening in 2022 is the RSA Conference, which will take place in San Francisco February 7- 10.

Given the rising urgency of cybersecurity, it seems to me that missing the global event, where people from around the world explore the latest insights on security threats and share their best practices is totally unacceptable!

#3 Gartner Application Innovation & Business Solutions Summit May 2, Orlando, FL

And finally, the third major tech event on the 2022 calendar to me is Gartner Application Innovation & Business Solutions Summit.

May 2 – 4, Orlando Summit gathers hundreds world’s leading digital creators to share the latest Gartner research on the future of applications, AI, DevOps, cloud strategies, and more.

There you have it, the list of 2022 tech conferences and events digital innovators may add to their calendars.

Attend, get inspired, and generate great ideas, that German Standard will be happy to sculpt into reality!