3 Major Mobile App Development Trends In 2022


Just think, in 2021 Google Play and The Apple App Store had over 5 million apps available for download! So, if you are planning to invest in developing a mobile application you’re probably wondering how to create more than just another app, but a big player.

Here are 3 top mobile app development trends business owners looking to craft valuable and future-focused digital products should not miss in 2022.

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML embedded in mobile apps offer advanced features and generate a personalized experience for every user.
ML and AI algorithms are being widely integrated by both mature companies and fresh-baked startups into their applications for market predictions, algorithmic trading, diagnostics, and more.

2. Beacon Technology

Beacons are being used by brands to connect with and lure customers.
Small wireless devices broadcast low-energy Bluetooth signals to the detected bacon-based mobile apps sending marketing messages or other personalized content to users.
A promising technology for mobile app development that, it’s safe to say, will transform the landscape of consumer behaviors in the coming years.  

3. Offline access

Even if we want it, Internet access is not always reliable. By adding offline functionality, you make users more loyal to the app as they can access their data seamlessly regardless of an Internet connection.
Furthermore, it’s easy to imagine how essential offline mode can be for medical professionals or students in places with no network, like war zones or rural areas.  

Ready to get your highly effective and engaging mobile app developed? Our team will happily assist you with that.